Informal and Precarious Work under Social Dynamics of Reproduction, Reconfiguration and Contestation: The Case of Northeast Brazil
Roberto Véras de Oliveira (IRLE Scholar)
My research at IRLE aims to provide theoretical and methodological density to the studies that we have been developing at Federal University of Paraiba – Brazil on patterns of brazilian historical and current work, more specifically about the Northeast case, focusing on the social forms of reproduction and reconfiguration of informal and precarious work as well as on practices of social contestation which involve them. Such studies have been concentrated on some productive territories that have been going through intensive processes of structuration or reconfiguration, drawing special attention to the Port Industrial Complex Suape, the region formed from the Fiat industrial plant, and the Clothing Polo of Pernambuco (all cases situated in Pernambuco State). The approaches search to highlight those actors on scene (their action strategies, speeches, conflicts and negotiations who leading), which are influenced by social dynamics of reproduction, reconfiguration and contestation.